Explain the virtue ethicist's and the utilitarian's approaches

This week you begin working on the Final Project by completing the Week 3 Final Project Milestone. Read the overview of the Final Project from the Week 1 Learning Resources. After reviewing the entire assignment, complete this Milestone.


To prepare for this Assignment:


•Read through the Final Project Case Examples and select one to use for your paper.


•Use a copy of the Ethical Analysis Tool to organize the facts in the ethics case you selected.


•Refer to the Final Project Overview and Schedule document, the Ethical Analysis Tool, and “How to Write an Ethics Paper” from the appendix of your course text for guidance on how to organize—and thereby outline—your paper.


The Assignment:

Write a 3- to 4-page paper that contains the following two parts. Address each of the following, which will constitute a first draft of one part of your paper. Use the Ethical Analysis Tool to guide your analysis.


Part 1: Develop a thesis and outline for your paper


Part 1 (1–2 pages):


A 1-paragraph introduction in which you do the following:

Identify the case you are addressing.


Explain the issues involved in the case.

State your thesis (the position for which you argue in the paper).


•A brief outline


Part 2: Explain the virtue ethicist’s and the utilitarian’s approaches


Part 2 (2 pages):

•Explain how a virtue ethicist would approach the case.


•If you do not think virtue ethics is applicable to your case, explain why.


•Analyze the case using the principle of utility.

Support your use of evidence in the assignment with references to the week’s readings. In the essay, practice APA style for your in-text citations. Follow guidelines for writing an ethics paper as presented in the course text appendix, “How to Write an Ethics Paper.”




  • MacKinnon, B. (2012). Ethics: Theory and contemporary issues (concise 2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 4, “Utilitarianism” (pp. 30–40)

      This chapter explains the origins of the utilitarian moral theory and defines the greatest happiness principle. The chapter presents ways to calculate the greatest amount of happiness, distinguishes between act and rule utilitarianism, and explains limitations or problems with the theory.


Appendix, “How to Write an Ethics Paper” (pp. 246–257)

This appendix provides guidelines on how to write an ethics paper and is a good resource to use as you write papers for your Application Assignments and for the Final Project.

  • Andre, C., & Velasquez, M. (n.d.). Calculating consequences: The utilitarian approach to ethics. Retrieved November 11, 2013, from http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/iie/v2n1/calculating.html
    C. Andre and M. Velasquez (2010). Calculating Consequences: The Utilitarian Approach to Ethics. Used by permission of the Markulla Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.  Retrieved from http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/iie/v2n1/calculating.html

    This article describes the origins of utilitarianism as well as its variations and explains limitations when applying the principle of utilitarianism to moral decision making.

  • Document: Ethical Analysis Tool (PDF)

    This ethical analysis tool lists questions that help you analyze a situation using several ethical theories. You use this tool for assignments throughout this course.


You select one of these ten case examples to address in your Final Project

  • Document: Final Project Case Examples (PDF)

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