Ethical Challenges in Forensic Psychology
Introduction to Forensic Psychology text explores how psychologists are utilized in the legal system and some challenges that they may face. To be specific, areas covered include jury selection, expert testimony, intellectual disability and the death penalty, and forensic consultations in criminal mitigation. Consider some of the controversies related to mitigation evaluations and consultations, and respond to the following:Based on these controversies, what advantages and disadvantages might there be to involving psychology professionals in the legal system?What ethical challenges might arise for forensic professionals involved in evaluations and consultations?Response Guidelines Respond to at least two of your peers and expand on their insights related to the ethical challenges faced by psychology professionals. Cite your textbook and at least one other source to support your thinking. Cite references in APA style.Toggle Drawer[u03d2] Unit 3 Discussion 2 Civil and Criminal Comparison in Forensic Psychology ResourcesPSYC Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.You have been introduced to the terms civil and criminal as they relate to forensic psychology. A forensic psychologist works within the legal profession or court system, either in criminal or civil law or both. For this discussion, respond to the following:Explain the difference between civil and criminal work in forensic psychology.Describe the role of psychologists in civil court, and then describe the role they play in criminal court. What similarities and differences do you see in these roles?If you were to choose a role, would you prefer to be a civil or criminal forensic psychology professional, and why?Response Guidelines Respond to at least two of your peers and expand on their insights related to the differences between civil and criminal in forensic psychology. Cite references in APA style.
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