Applied Psychology :Limitation of a theory in health behaviors

Identify and briefly describe one key strength and one key limitation of your chosen theory in understanding health behaviors, and (ii) referring to at least one key research article, briefly

comment on the how the model informs behavior change.
Marking guide for this assignment.
The selected model – 7 marks
• Clear general description of the key concepts of the model
• Evidence of review of at least one key article as a means of understanding the model
• Identification of at least one key strength of the model
• Identification of at least one key weaknesses of the model

Utility of the model framework to inform behaviour change – 5 marks
• Brief description of the contribution made by different parts of the model to inform and address behaviour change

The assignment is written and presented in a professionally academic manner – 3 marks
• Consideration is evident for the need to navigate the reader clearly through the assignment, thus ensuring ease of reading and understanding
• The assignment is logical in its presentation

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