Code of Ethics through cultural point of view

This paper is to critique one principle from the AAMFT Code of Ethics through one cultural

point of view. My idea is for you to write about the Native American culture and how this

culture is as a whole versus the United States AAMFT code of ethics. Using specifically the

AAMFT code on 3.10 Gifts- Marriage and family therapists do not give to or receive from clients

(a) gifts of substantial value or (b) gifts that impair the integrity or efficacy of the therapeutic relationship.
The layout of the paper should be as follows on the paper in APA format.
-The AAMFT(American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy) code of ethics and a mini

history of what it is…
-A mini history of the Native American culture and mentioning that it is a gift-giving culture.
– How the Native American culture of gift giving and the US code of ethics for the AAMFT code

doesn’t mix together?
-How would you change the AAMFT (American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy) code of ethics to fit more with the Native American culture if you could? (More opinionated here)

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