Collaborative and Communication Strategies

You are now in the third week of working on the Practicum Change Project.  So far, you have refined your change project and chosen a change theory to organize your approach to the project.

Now, let’s begin work on week 3 of the Practicum Change Project!

This week your instructor has assigned you to seek input on the possible change from stakeholders, attend a multidisciplinary team meeting, and interview a leader from another clinical discipline.

Part I: Observation

Attend a multidisciplinary team meeting. Observe the communication skills used by the team leader and the group process. Consider the following questions as you observe the meeting:

  • Who served as the team leader? What leadership style did you observe?
  • How well did the team work together?
  • Was there group conflict? If so, how was it resolved?
  • Were there any outcomes from the group meeting?
  • Did you see evidence-based care or decisions during your observation?
  • How was nursing involved in the multidisciplinary group?

Part II: Interview

Interview a leader at least one level above your current or immediate past position from another clinical discipline (pharmacy, respiratory, case management, social work, medicine—not nursing). Ask the following questions:

  • How would you describe your leadership style?
  • What communication skills do you use?
  • What conflicts have you had to manage in the last 3 months?
  • What techniques and strategies do you use to work together to promote multidisciplinary teamwork?

Part III:  Discussion

  • Identify ways in which you collaborated with other professionals regarding your activities.
  • Think about the stakeholders impacted by the change. How can the change theory you have chosen influence the success of a change project?
  • How can the multidisciplinary team of leaders impact the change project?
  • What is the best way to communicate the change within the agency?
  • APA format 250 to 350 words.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

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