Course Project Presentation

To inform colleagues or clients and gain support for your project, you may find it useful to have a succinct summary of your workflow redesign plan. For this Assignment, you develop such a summary by creating a PowerPoint presentation of your redesigned workflow.

To complete the Course Project Presentation:

Create a PowerPoint presentation to communicate the details of your redesigned workflow. Your intended audience could include end users, stakeholders, organizational leaders, and any other individuals who would be involved in the workflow redesign.

Address each of the following bullet points with at least one slide. Do not exceed three slides for any given bullet point.

  • Introduce the workflow issue you selected and its relevance to meaningful use.
  • Describe your Gap Analysis Plan.
  • Overview your gap analysis results.
  • Illustrate the current-state workflow model and identify the gap(s).
  • Explain the solution you formulated and how it relates to meaningful use.
  • Illustrate the future-state workflow model and explain how it addresses the gap(s) in the current-state workflow.
  • Summarize the major steps necessary to transition from the current- to the future-state workflow.

Include a title slide as the first slide of your presentation. At the end of your presentation, include one slide for audience questions and comments and one reference slide with APA citations of the sources you used to complete your project.

Important note: Include speaker notes (using the notes feature in PowerPoint) with the content you would use to explain the key points on each slide. The speaker notes should have enough detail for someone who is unfamiliar with your project to be able to conduct your presentation.

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