Cyber Ethics



1. (8 points) What exactly, is cyber ethics? How is it different from and similar to Computer Ethics, information ethics, and Internet ethics?
2. (4 points) What is meant by the term cyber technology? How is it similar to and different from computer technology?
3. (8 points) Identify and briefly describe some key aspects of each of the “four phases” in the evolution of cyber ethics as a field of applied ethics.
4. (6 points) Explain what Moor means by the expressions “logical malleability,” “policy vacuum,” and “conceptual muddle.”
5. (4 points) What is applied ethics and how is it different from theoretical ethics?

Make sure to:

1) copy and paste the questions to a word document.

2) keep questions in bold font.

3) Answers should be in regular (not bold) font. each answer should follow its question.



List and critically analyze some ethical concerns that arise in the Amy Boyer cyberstalking incident.  What actions, if any, can/should ISPs be expected to take to avoid future online stalking incidents that might result in a stalkee’s death? Explain.

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Cyber Ethics

Utilize at least two of the following three articles:
`What Is Computer Ethics?’ by James Moor
`Unique Ethical Problems in Information Technology’ by W. Maner
`Computer Security and Human Values’ by Neumann
Include a complete bibliography.

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