Describe what adjustments a loss of a long-time spouse might create for Lya.

Answer the following case study.

“Lya, age 50, works as a buyer for a large department store. She has two grown children and four grandchildren. She regularly sees her extended family. Her husband of 25 years died suddenly last year. In addition to babysitting her grandchildren, she attends church and volunteers her time at the local hospital. She hopes to sell her large home and move to a warmer climate.”

  1. Create a virtual workshop (e.g. brochure, catalog, power-point) for persons considering retirement.
  2. According to Erikson, what developmental task is Lya accomplishing?
  3. List the activities present in Lya’s life to support this task.
  4. Describe what adjustments a loss of a long-time spouse might create for Lya.

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