Ethics and the Environment

Essay questions

1. Does an ethics for the environment require a new moral theoretical
framework? Are Utilitarianism, Kantianism, and Virtue Theory not up to
the task to ground an ethics for the environment?

2. Are ethical utterances truth-apt? Why or why not?

3. Describe, in detail, the conditions for either chickens or cows
that are raised on factory farms. How might a utilitarian,
deontologist, and virtue theorist likely evaluate the morality of the
practice you described?

4. What is intrinsic value? Why is the concept of intrinsic value
especially significant in environmental ethics?

5. “Non-human animals are full-fledged members of our moral
community”. How would Singer and Regan react to this claim?

One questions sould be less than one page.

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Ethics and the Environment

Write a five page paper on `Ethics and the Environment’.

Utilize the following sources:

`IPCC Report on Climate Change’ in Resources and online.

NASA Climate Science Webpage:

`Scientific Consensus on Climate Change’ in Resources.

`Land Ethic’ by Aldo Leopold in Resources.

Include a complete bibliography.

Ethics and the Environment

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