Human Resources Healthcare

Job analysis is the process of gathering, examining, and interpreting data about the job’s tasks and responsibilities. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (2012), the following steps help provide the best analysis of a particular job:

  1. Involve employees by having them complete job analysis forms.
  2. Interview employees, asking them specific questions about their job duties and responsibilities.
  3. Obtain log sheets from employees with information about each of their tasks and the time spent on each task for at least one full work week.
  4. Complete desk audits where you observe employees doing their jobs at different times of the day and days of the week and track what they do and for how long.
  5. Interview supervisors and managers, and other employees, clients and customers the employee may interact with while performing the job.
  6. Compare the job to other jobs in the department as well as the job grade or job family to show where it falls on the pay scale.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2012). Job Analysis: How

do I conduct a job analysis to ensure the job description actually

matches the duties performed by the employee in the job? Retrieved from…

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