Investigative Psychology

There is a documented psychology to criminal investigators and   investigations. It is important to analyze how our biases and   assumptions influence our assessment of individuals and to analyze and   understand psychological profiling in law enforcement. This provides a   platform to determine cultural-based behavior patterns that may be   specific to certain segments of the population. It is also important to   understand the impact of these events and the psychological   ramifications for victims and for investigators.

After completing this week’s required reading, you will

  • Analyze the behavior of the investigator(s), including the analysis of the crime scene.
  • Describe the psychological, behavioral, environmental, and  cognitive  factors that you believe influenced the investigation. (The  goal is to  understand the role these factors play in how an  investigation is  conducted and potentially on the outcome of the  investigation.)
  • Discuss what role, if any, the psychological profile of the  offender  played in how the investigation was conducted and in any  subsequent  court proceedings.
  • Analyze how our biases and assumptions influence assessments of individuals.
  • Describe how cultural-based behavior patterns specific to certain   segments of the population impact these biases and assumptions,   particularly relative to psychological profiling in law enforcement.

The Investigative Psychology paper

  • Must be at least three double-spaced pages in length
  • Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course texts.
  • Must document all sources in APA style

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