Respiratory Physiology

The respiratory system is responsible for moving air into, and out of, the lungs, preventing the passage of food into the lungs and facilitating the diffusion of gases between the lungs into the blood.
a. Describe the structural elements of the upper and lower portions of the respiratory tract, explaining the purpose of each portion and specific contributions of specialist components. (22 Marks)
b. Explain the contribution of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles to inspiration and expiration referring to appropriate gas laws. (9 marks)
c. Explain how the breath is humidified on inspiration and why this is important (6 marks)
d. Describe the structural and functional characteristics that facilitate gas diffusion at the alveoli-capillary interface – ensure you refer to
appropriate gas laws. How is collapse of the fragile air sacs prevented? (13 marks)
e. With reference to lung volumes, briefly explain the difference between ?dead space? and ?residual volume?. Why is residual volume
physiologically important? (4 marks)

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